Three years and thriving

Wow I forgot that I made this blog my first year of college… but here I am in my second semester of Junior year. Time is going so fast (except when I am in class) and I can hardly even keep up with myself. This being said, the last blog I wrote was about me joining my sorority, and now I am president of panhellenic (WHAT?!) If someone told me when I was a little freshie that I would be president of anything I would have laughed and said stop taunting me.

I’m a changed woman.. and I am not saying that lightly. I mean, I still crack jokes at times that might not be completely appropriate, but I have learned to accept myself for who I am, flaws and all! I have made some of the closest friends that I have ever had, and l have lost some friendships along the way, but hey that’s life and all you can do it pick yourself up and move on.  I am grateful for all the experiences that I have had and everything that has been thrown at me has only made me stronger.

Okay that is all for now, just thought I would update this lil’ blog of mine, and maybe keep with it?!

Until next time,

xoxo allanaproblems

Keepin’ up with allanaproblems

Here I am… sitting in my room at home, and I couldn’t be any happier! Now, I’m not happy because I am home alone writing a blog, anyone that knows  me knows I would much rather be with other humans, but I am so happy with the way my life is going. I spoke about it in my last blog, but in case you didn’t read it, I am now in a sorority (holla)! I always knew I wanted to be in a sorority but I wasn’t sure which one, and when the right time would be. I decided this semester was the perfect time, and I had met some AGDs (Alpha Gamma Delta, my sorority) and I knew this was the place for me! I’ve only been in it for a few weeks, but I have never been happier… I’m not just saying that I am legitimately a happier person! I have met so many amazing people, and have been all around more motivated! Okay, yea, I still spend some of my life on Netflix (but it’s Greys Anatomy) but I now spend a lot more time studying and working out. This all probably sounds so weird since I am so new, but I don’t know how to explain it other than, AGD makes me feel like I need to be the best person I can be. I am also in LOVE with my pledge class, and since there are only 14 of us I already know everyone’s name, but more than that I get to know everyone on a more personal level.

I am doing so much better in school this semester, even though I got a 3.3 last semester, I can be a bit harsh on myself sometimes, aka 3.3 is not what I was aiming for. Okay, that’s all I have to say about school (sorry mom).

It took me too long to realize how much easier it is to look on the bright side of things, I wish that was something I did in high school. I can’t go back and change my past, I can only look to the future and get excited about what life has in store for me. It almost feels like my life went from 0 to 100 real quick if ya know what I’m sayin’.

Okay, but here’s where the “allanaproblems” come in, since my life can’t be too perfect. A few days ago I was in the car with one of my friends and I was talking about how I hadn’t gotten sick at all this year, but when I looked around I realized there was no wood for me to knock on, and so it began. The next day (yesterday) I had an allergic reaction to, well actually I don’t know what I was allergic to this time. My lips got all swollen, so I went to my doctor, and he didn’t know so he put me on steroids. I woke up this morning and they were so swollen I couldn’t even duckface. That sounds weird, wow, duckface HAHA. I guess the good thing is when I went in for my allergy scratch test the other day I discovered that the only food allergies I have left are Soy and Kiwis, so I have that going for me!

That’s all that is on my mind right now, so until next time…

XOXO Allana Problems

Spring ’15

Well I’ve made it this far six weeks into my second semester of freshman year, I guess I can’t quit now! I used to blog when something interesting would happen in my life, I’m not going to lie, a lot of exciting things have been happening and Grey’s Anatomy is one of those things… leaving no time for blogs (sorry mom). Another thing is ALPHA GAMMA DELTA hollaa at yo new sorority girl!!! I did spring recruitment which is WAY more relaxed than formal fall rush, I mean not like I would know since I didn’t do Fall, it’s just what I heard from the grapevine. The process was a few weeks long so I didn’t know if I would get a bid or not for a while (kinda stressful) but hey I got one and all is good in the world (except for the fact that I am developing new allergies on the daily) that is a whole different story.

AHH my english teacher is SO cute. I will leave her anonymous so she doesn’t get in trouble. She let’s us out of class almost an hour early every day, and today she said “I’m letting you guys out an hour early because I have a doctors appointment, please don’t tell the dean.” It laughed so hard I had the hiccups for the rest of the class.

That’s literally all I have to say for myself, until next time…



It’s Life – Ya Feel?

I’m back and ready to take on my second semester of college! This semester should be interesting, I’m really trying to put myself out there, and get involved! I’m rushing a sorority, taking a leadership class, applying for leadership positions, and I finally have my summer figured out… I think! I will hopefully be going on Birthright, if you don’t know what that is, it is a trip to Israel for young Jewish “adults” between the ages of 18-26 (I think). When I get back from Israel I plan on taking summer school classes so I can get ahead in credits, as well as getting a job. If it doesn’t work out exactly how I planned that’s okay as well, sometimes plans fall through and you can move onto bigger and better things! Lowkey want to start crossfit over the summer also.

Whoops that was kind of a tangent, soooo school? I’ve added Jewish Studies minor to my college to-do list. I am taking 15 credits this semester, the max you can take is 16, which I took last semester. I’m taking English 101 and I sit in the front row (because i’m deaf, not a teachers pet, ya feel), don’t get me wrong I listen to everything my teacher says.. It’s just.. well sometimes she talks about events in history, that SHE ACTUALLY ATTENDED. Not only that, but the things she talks about from the 1800s don’t really relate to Rhetorical Analysis, Ethos, Pathos, and Logs… just sayin’. She is really nice, but she walks with a cane and sometimes she doesn’t use her cane and it makes me nervous, but you do you, right? I’m also taking a leadership class and my teacher is amazing, she’s a lil’ clumsy but no one likes a perfect person. I love her personality and teaching methods! My Jewish Studies class is basically a throwback to 9th grade, but hey, I’m not complaining! I only have classes Monday-Wednesday, today is Thursday… day one of my four day weekend!

BREAKING NEWS: I have developed an allergy to almonds (#allanaproblems) so not only am I allergic to Dairy, Soy, Kiwis, Rassberries, Hazelnuts (yes that means nutella), and Brazil Nuts, but almonds at well. I can no longer drink almond milk, I can’t drink soy milk, or regular milk… I guess some people have it worse so I probably shouldn’t complain, it’s just that the Allanaproblems are so real right now!

Until Next Time XOXO,


Back At It — College That Is

How am I supposed to get back into the groove of things, when I have just had one of the most incredible Winter Breaks of my life? I can’t even put it into words, I am so lucky to have gotten to go to South Africa over break, and even luckier that I had the most amazing time. People keep asking me what my favorite part of the trip was, every time I just sit there and think to myself, but can never come up with an answer. Truth is, I enjoyed every waking minute of that trip… and I wouldn’t trade my experience for the world. I am truly lucky!

Today I arrived back at college, for my second semester of my freshman year. When I saw my friends I was so excited and we had so much to talk about, and catch up on… but something felt different. It felt almost as if I wasn’t ready to be back. This is weird, especially for me, since I love being independant and away from home. To be honest, I think I am just stressed, once classes start back up on Tuesday everything should go back to how it was last semester… well I hope it does. Here’s the difference, last semester I had classes Monday through Friday, with no more than one or two classes a day. This semester I have classes Monday through Wednesday, with three, sometimes four classes a day. It sounded like a good idea at first, but now it just seems like a lot of work crammed into fewer days. Another reason I might possible be stressed is the fact that I now have to pick up and return books on my own without help from my Mom, writing that out I see how dumb that sounds, but ordering books can be stressful, especially when you have to order them from multiple stores. My Mom has always ordered my books for me, ever since high school, but this time I am on my own. Sometimes I stress myself out over the most ridiculous and inane things. I need to take a chill pill, relax, and let things play out for themselves. Every day in college is a new experience, I have to take it for what it is, and go with the flow. Lets see how things are in a weeks time… I’ll let cha know!

Until then,

XOXO Allanaproblems

Adventures In Durban Pt. 1

I’m the person that tried to deny jet lag. I thought I was stronger than that, and only weak people got jet lagged. I WAS SO WRONG. The first few hours of New Years Day I was full of energy, but before I knew it, it was 6 PM and I was crashing harder than ever. I couldn’t deny it for much longer, I had a serious case of jet lag, it’s only natural, it doesn’t mean your body is weak. I finally accepted that, and for the first time I woke up at a reasonable hour rather than 3 AM. I mean… I woke up at 6 AM but that is still pretty good. The time difference made me lose my appetite, but I am getting that back as well! Three days later and I think I am just about over my jet lag (finally).

It isn’t hard for me to say I am obsessed with Durban. Everything is so beautiful, and it wasn’t to much of a culture shock for me. There are so many things to do here, and it seems quite simple to lead a healthy lifestyle while here. Sometimes it gets a bit too hot to handle, but hey it’s not the first time I’ve experienced something too hot to handle, if you know what I’m saying… If you don’t know what I’m saying, I’m saying that I used to live in Arizona and the summers would sometimes get up to 120 fahrenheit or 48 celsius. I’m not going to cry about it though, because I’ll be coming home with a South African glow.

Driving. Wow. So scary. Everything is opposite here, (I mean I knew that before I came, but actually seeing it first hand is a different story). That’s all I have to say about that.

I couldn’t be happier that I get to stay with Romey, and her family. Romey is that older sister that I never had, but she is also one of my best friends. I don’t even want to think about that fact that I have to leave her, and won’t know when I’m seeing her next. I’m not proofreading this paragraph, so I don’t have to think about it too much.

The beach though… I don’t know how to describe it, all I can say is that it is so beautiful. I am going there tonight with Romey and her family to have a picnic. Now that I am on the topic of food (well at least I think I am) I want to take a minute to let everyone know I have tried so many things I would have never tried at home, I am trying to be less picky whilst here (I said whilst because Romey says it, ya feel?). Maybe I should try being less picky at home as well… we’ll see. Yesterday I went for shabbat lunch at her sisters house, and I had never had half of the food that she served but I tried new things, and I really liked them… I probably shouldn’t have waited 18 years to try new things. Well you live and you learn.

Until next time,

xoxo Allanaproblems

New Year New Adventures — 2015 Here I Come

It felt like I had been counting down the days to fly to South Africa forever, but I am finally here, and it is so surreal!

Okay… that plane ride though — my first flight was from LA to Amsterdam, and let me just tell you, it was 11 hours of awkward. To start things off I had a window seat and a lady and her son who looked to be about 18 were sitting next to me, I noticed the boy was wearing  a Berkley shirt, so being the human that I am I asked him if he went there. He replied saying, “I’m sorry my English not that well, what is Berkely?” FIrst off it says it on your shirt, so why don’t you know? Okay so he obviously didn’t go there, just wait it gets even more awkward. His mom sat in between us (that was pretty upsetting because he was kinda cute) and put one of those eye masks on that people use to cover their eyes while sleeping, out of the corner of my eye I could see her lift up the corner of her mask and look at me… every 20 minutes. CAUGHT HER! One time I turned my head when she was sneaking a peek at me and she said, “what a lovley view outside.” …Um the window was closed so thats was a bad cover up on her part, and all I could say to myself was Bye Felicia.

My flight from Amsterdam to Johannesburg was 10 hours and creepy as ever. A man from Zimbabwe was sitting two seat over from me, us being the people we are, we started some small talk.. very small because I couldn’t understand his accent #allanaproblems. In between us sat a man, a rude man. He wasn’t rude to me, he was rude to the stewardesses. I had never met a man so disrespectful towards women. He was nice to the men. Long story short, I didn’t know the man, but he made me so angry. When I got off the plane the guy from Zimbabwe kept trying to talk to me, and I kept trying to understand him. I did understand when he asked me If I had a ride home, or if he could take me. LIKE WHAT?! That creeped me out so I began to walk faster, to get to customs and get away from him. Finally got to customs and they scanned me for Ebola… and the guy from Zimbabwe stood next to me in line #allanaproblems.

Once I got my baggage and went through customs, I mean I went through customs before I got my baggage, I started getting nervous because my Wi-Fi wasn’t working. What if Romey forgot to pick me up???? She didn’t, I found her, of course I looked like a train had just hit me, after 23+ hours of traveling, and her outfit was on point. We checked into the hotel, and by the time we went to sleep I had been awake for 30 hours.

It’s now almost 4 am, and jet lag has never been so real. I am so excited for the next two weeks, and so happy to finally be here!

Until next time,

XOXO Allanaproblems

Mama We Made It!

Hi my name is Allana, and I have completed my first semester in college. I don’t know where the time went, everything happened so quickly! People ask me how I feel now that I am home, and to be honest, it’s a little stressful. It’s stressful because I have turned in all my papers, and taken my finals… now I have to wait for my grades. It’s also stressful because I had gotten so used to doing my own thing, and doing things on my own time, being at home means it’s no longer my rules, but my moms again. I like to think of myself as pretty independent, but then again I’m only 18 what do I know, right?

I have met so many different people in college, by getting involved in campus life. Twice a week I go volunteer to hang out with kids at a shelter while their parents are in classes. I have an entire plan of what I want my four years of college to look like, but part of life is not having everything go as planned. I’m sort of okay with that, because I believe that everything happens for a reason. For example, I applied to work at a summer camp that I grew up at, I didn’t get hired, but instead of not doing anything all summer I decided to apply at a different camp. I got hired and ended up having one of the best summers of my life. I made so many amazing friends, and now I’m going to South Africa over winter break to go and visit one of my friends… If I was hired at the other camp I would have never met theses people and I wouldn’t be leaving the country over break. No matter how perfect my plan seems right now, I know I need to leave some breathing room for things to change.

Why does my house smell like burnt popcorn right now? Wait, it just got stronger… okay, that’s besides the point.

A few weeks ago I decided to start a new Quest (brand name alert) eating plan. I eat 1-2 Quest bars a day, one smoothie with protein powder, and I go to the gym almost everyday. [Kinda about to go into a tangent but not really] On Black Friday I got two new pairs of jeans (pre-quest) they fit me perfectly! Fast forward to two days ago, I tried them on again, they didn’t fit… but in a good way. All this hard work paid off, because in a span of 4 weeks (I think) I have gone down two sizes. Is that supposed to happen? I don’t know. Either way it was NOT easy. WAIT I forgot to say that I also ate two meals a day in addition to the Quest bars. Sorry, I was too lazy to go and backspace and add in the part about two meals. You can pretend that was the plot twist of this blog post.

Catch ya later,

xoxo allana problems

No Pressure, It’s Just My Future

I’m laying in my bed in my hometown (not really hometown because my mom moved when I left for college). My point is I am laying in my bed that is not in my dorm room, mentally preparing myself for my first college finals week. I am also preparing myself because in exactly one month (and a few days give or take) I will be flying to a different country all by myself. Look Ma, I’m flying solo. I am going to South Africa to see one of my best friends. I couldn’t be anymore excited!

Okay finals. Finals? Finals! Its time to prove myself, and how passionate I am about doing well in college. I never had this much motivation in high school. I think the reason for my motivation now is the fact that I know this is my shot to prove myself, and it is my future after all, so I do not want to mess it up. I have really enjoyed my classes, and I have learned so much. I mean maybe the fact that I didn’t have to take a math class this semester helped a little, or a lot (math is not my forte). I decided to take math over the summer semester to make it a little easier on myself. Oh yea, finals.. I have a study plan! Every morning I will wake up at 9 a.m. and go to the gym, to help get my blood flowing (and I need to hit the gym anyway). After the gym I will go back to my dorm get all showered, dressed, and organize myself for the day. I’ll go to my classes, in between classes I’ll obviously eat, but most importantly go to library to study. I am a little nervous, but to be honest I think I’ll be ready!

When I go back to school I’m starting a new meal plan, and It will include protein smoothies and Quest bars. I’ll let ya know how it works out at some point in the near future.

Last but not least.. can I just say I am SO excited to go to South Africa! I’ll be there for the first half of January. So, basically while everyone will slowly be losing their summer tan that they worked so hard to get, I’ll be getting mine back. I’m almost jealous of myself for that! Tan in the winter? That is every girls dream… unless it’s not, I mean you do you. I’m just saying if I was every girl in the world it would be my dream. I’m going on a Safari with my friend and her parents and I can hardly contain myself. I’ll soon be able to cross going to South Africa off my bucket list.

Twenty-One in Seven Days?!

Twenty-One… as in Twenty-One miles. Did you think I meant 21 years old? Classic Mixup! I have gone to the gym everyday for the past five days and ran three miles each day, if I go for the next two days it will be 21 miles! (If you aren’t from America that’s 33.8 Kilometers… according to google) I’m actually really proud of myself! Is it bad that my motivation is getting new workout clothes? The gym is only a five minute walk from my dorm, so I have no excuse not to go. If I don’t go, it’s just me being lazy, and that is the worst excuse.

“Bodys can stand almost anything, it’s your mind you have to convince”

Can I just ask, why do we stress ourselves out about the most inane things? Here’s the sitch, I thought I was failing one of my classes and I was freaking out, I’m sure you would freak out also. Well maybe you would have set up a meeting with the professor to figure out what was wrong, and how you could improve. Me being all Allana like, I decided I would simply try and drop the class without even attempting to figure out what was wrong, I mean that seemed like a pretty great solution to me… I was stressed all week about it, and when I finally went to the office to drop the class they said I needed to get permission from my teacher. “DANG IT!” is all I could say to myself. I was trying to AVOID this confrontation… but life had just decided to hand me a lemon. Friday after class I went up to my professor, I was really nervous, and I began asking questions about my grade to build my way up to the, “soooo would it be okay if I dropped your class” question. Wow am I glad I asked all the questions, because it turns out I have a B and I was stressing over nothing the whole time. What i’m trying to say is, even though communicating your thoughts and feelings can be difficult, it could be the solution for turning lifes lemon, into lemonade!

Okay, have you ever tried to take a selfie while attempting to make a basket.. standing backwards? Well I tried on saturday (at the gym on a Saturday woo turn-up #allanaproblems) and I MADE IT!!! Apparently when I get excited my mouth slightly resembles a turtle, I would like to think of it as special talent of mine! In-case you wanted to know…
