New Year New Adventures — 2015 Here I Come

It felt like I had been counting down the days to fly to South Africa forever, but I am finally here, and it is so surreal!

Okay… that plane ride though — my first flight was from LA to Amsterdam, and let me just tell you, it was 11 hours of awkward. To start things off I had a window seat and a lady and her son who looked to be about 18 were sitting next to me, I noticed the boy was wearing  a Berkley shirt, so being the human that I am I asked him if he went there. He replied saying, “I’m sorry my English not that well, what is Berkely?” FIrst off it says it on your shirt, so why don’t you know? Okay so he obviously didn’t go there, just wait it gets even more awkward. His mom sat in between us (that was pretty upsetting because he was kinda cute) and put one of those eye masks on that people use to cover their eyes while sleeping, out of the corner of my eye I could see her lift up the corner of her mask and look at me… every 20 minutes. CAUGHT HER! One time I turned my head when she was sneaking a peek at me and she said, “what a lovley view outside.” …Um the window was closed so thats was a bad cover up on her part, and all I could say to myself was Bye Felicia.

My flight from Amsterdam to Johannesburg was 10 hours and creepy as ever. A man from Zimbabwe was sitting two seat over from me, us being the people we are, we started some small talk.. very small because I couldn’t understand his accent #allanaproblems. In between us sat a man, a rude man. He wasn’t rude to me, he was rude to the stewardesses. I had never met a man so disrespectful towards women. He was nice to the men. Long story short, I didn’t know the man, but he made me so angry. When I got off the plane the guy from Zimbabwe kept trying to talk to me, and I kept trying to understand him. I did understand when he asked me If I had a ride home, or if he could take me. LIKE WHAT?! That creeped me out so I began to walk faster, to get to customs and get away from him. Finally got to customs and they scanned me for Ebola… and the guy from Zimbabwe stood next to me in line #allanaproblems.

Once I got my baggage and went through customs, I mean I went through customs before I got my baggage, I started getting nervous because my Wi-Fi wasn’t working. What if Romey forgot to pick me up???? She didn’t, I found her, of course I looked like a train had just hit me, after 23+ hours of traveling, and her outfit was on point. We checked into the hotel, and by the time we went to sleep I had been awake for 30 hours.

It’s now almost 4 am, and jet lag has never been so real. I am so excited for the next two weeks, and so happy to finally be here!

Until next time,

XOXO Allanaproblems

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